As the name suggest, we are going to learn Email Spoofing.
What Is Email Spoofing?
Email Spoofing is the technique of sending Emails from others Email ID to the Victim without hacking their account. For eg. I will send you a Email from The School's principal ID terminating you from the school, without hacking Principal's Email account and the best part is that when you reply to the Email, it will go to the Principal. Isn't it cool!!!! So let's learn how to perform the trick.
Note: This trick can put you in serious problem if used unethically. I am not responsible if you are behind the bars, spoiling your future
1. Go to .
2. Fill in the form below with respective feilds:
From Name: From whom you want the message to be sent. eg. Principals Name
From Email: From whom you want the message to be sent. eg. Principals Email
To: Victim's Email
Subject: Subject of Email
3. Solve the Captcha and the Email will be Sent. (See image below)
So, this is how we send a fake Email.
Stay Updated with more such tutorials @amit_sharma48
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