
How to Secure your Windows PC in 8 easy ways

When hackers are all around and most of use Windows, it is very important for us to maintain security. If you have read my tutorial on How to Hack Windows using Kali/Backtrack , you will realize how easy it is for hackers to hack into your PC and do almost anything sitting in any remote part of the globe. Keeping Security in Mind, I have listed some of the steps below which will help you to give a strong competition to Cyber Criminals.

1. Use Genuine Windows product

I know it might sound odd if you are a shellfish person like me in terms of money. Spending around $100 for a software which is already available for free download on the internet might give you pain in the ass. But Genuine is Genuine, pirated copies cannot compete with those. Genuine's are more faster and secured

2. Update Windows Regularly

Now, if you have spent some bucks on purchasing the genuine copy, keep it Updated with time. Every time a new Update comes it fixes few bugs and security loopholes. Keeping your Windows Updated keeps hackers away from exploiting old vulnerabilities on your Machine.

3. Keep other Software's Up-to-Date

What if you have bought genuine windows and Update it regularly, hackers might use the loopholes on other software. Ex. If you have a old version of Chrome Browser which is venerable to a attack, then hacker might exploit the venerability even you have a Updated OS. Hence, keep your every software Up-To-Date.   

4. Use a Anti-Virus Software

There are many companies who have good anti-virus software's at cheap plans. Anti-Viruses are very essential to protect yourself from viruses which can Corrupt files, take up space or even bring your system down. 

5. Use Anti-malware

Using Anti-Virus software will save you from viruses but there are also other many devils like worms, trojans, spywares and many more craps which will blow up your system, so it's better to use Anti-Malware

5.Use Software Firewalls

There are many free firewalls available in the market which may block incoming traffic and other auspicious activities i.e. prevent the Cyber Criminals from accessing your system with out your permission .

6. Use a Tuff Windows Password 

What if the covict is not a cuber criminal sitting on the other part of the globe but your friend who shares your room and has Physical access to your System. So, it's better to use a Strong Administrator Password. Even use SYSKEY  , which is a extra layer of protection  to your password which can be enabled by Pressing Windows key + R and then type syskey

7. Use windows using other user account

Stop!! using windows using Administrator account, create a different user account and use that because if you accidentally open any malicious program with Administrator privileges, than it may cause a serve damage to your system .

8. Be alert while browsing online

Always Prevention is Better than cure, be alert while browsing the internet. Do not visit the site's you do not know and do not download any file from Email attachment or website until and unless you are 100% sure about it's legitimacy 

That's all i can tell you about Windows security. Be sure you follow all the steps and there's no Cyber Criminal who, dare you operate your system without your permission.
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