
How to use all social networking accounts at one palce : FEEDIENT

How tiring is the work of switching from one URL to another to see new feeds, if all the work can be done from a singe web platform. It was really annoying for me to check my Facebook Feeds first, then go to twitter , then to instagram, read my RSS feeds, and at last getting  updated with new YouTube videos of the Channels I subscribe. So, i began hanging around the Internet to find a all in one solution. I tried many apps and web platforms and finally I found one life saver . It is a web application called Feedient . It resembles the popular Twitter client Tweetdeck .

It is a web application which allows us to use: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr, RSS all in one place.

How to use this??

Go to www.feedient.com and create a account. Now I assume you know how to create a account. If you don't , Go to hell

Now, you have created your account you receive a screen which let's you add different accounts. There's account settings and all that stuffs related to your account. Add those accounts

Now, go to feed's screen and experience a new FeeDient experience with your social network's at one place. You can also post to Facebook and Twitter at once. I was very happy with the performance and i use it every day. I give this site 4/5 . They do not include other popular networks like LinkedIn, Pinterest and bla bla bla.............

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